Your organisation is successful, because all business areas align and deliver their contribution to the corporate targets.

How can IT investments not only fulfil the absolute necessity, but proactively improve the corporate success?

Many corporations fail to align their business and IT within a common, synchronised strategy, so that corporate targets are achieved efficiently. Instead IT struggles to keep systems running and changes take up a lot of time until taking effect. This blocks innovations needed urgently by the business departments.

Enterprise Architecture orchestrates the activities of the business departments and IT, and aligns both with the corporate targets.

Our support for you:

  • Alignment of Business and IT

  • Alignment, of Business and IT, with the corporate targets

  • Identification of functional chains in cause and effect for effective IT contribution

  • Planning of long-term success using value-orientation

capitence supports you to implement the mechanisms, that focus on your IT-initiatives and transparently lead them towards your corporate vision.

capitence combines the well known method and de facto standards with a pragmatic approach in the management of enterprise architecture. Our customers gain benefit from methodologies that repetitively enable planning for corporate success while the organisation learns to realise the business-value, very specifically.

Let´s talk!

Your best way to identify the perfect partner is direct contact.

We love challenges.
Call us for a 30×30 consulting and we will show you
what capitence can do.

30 minutes - Listening

Within this structured call we will listen to what you have to say and understand what keeps you up at night. Together we distil the core of your challenge.


The perfect solution needs some time. Based on your input we invest some intelligence. Then, we come back to you.

30 minutes - Discussion

capitence captures a challenge in its entirety. With you we share our ideas and discuss how we might progress, together.
